Op deze aanvraag heeft Voordelige-boekhouder.nl gereageerd:


Boekhouder gezocht voor boekhouding, jaarrekening en IB-aangifte: Developer and Designer
Gevraagde diensten: boekhouding, belastingaangiftes en opstellen van jaarrekening

I created my company (eenmanzaak) in Netherlands and I need support for the administartion/accountancy.
My business is: I hire developper and designer to make mobile applications that I sell on the Apple AppStore. I would like to:
– not have to do the quarterly VAT aangifte because I do not invoice VAT (Apple takes care of it, my revenues are net of VAT).
– have the yearly inkomstbelasting being done
– have a proper accountancy for revenues & costs I have with the company.
– I look for somebody at ease with English (I am french and speak a little bit of Dutch).

I am curious about the possibilities and how that would work

Kind regards,

Type aanvraag: Zakelijk

Rechtsvorm: Eenmanszaak/ZZP

Aantal medewerkers: Geen

Developer and Designer

Categorieën: Aanvragen

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